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The Stimulation Treatment Is the FDA-Cleared Solution… Backed By Science & Research

The Stimulation Treatment is a life-changing treatment that uses cell signaling technology to produce incredible results, and it is now approved by the FDA as an effective treatment. Through this non-surgical treatment, you can find the relief that you need for peripheral neuropathy and other types of conditions that cause foot pain, knee pain and more. At Aspen Medical, we provide effective relief for our patients in and around the Mesa area through Stimulation Treatment electro-therapy.


How It Works

More than 30 studies have been completed on the benefits of The Stimulation Treatment, which utilizes the theory of resonance to improve electric signaling between your body’s nerve cells. By doing so, it promotes tissue repair. Unlike medications that mask the sensation of pain, The Treatment goes to the root of the problem to eliminate or to dramatically reduce the pain that is currently weighing you down.

Electric cell signaling adjusts and normalizes energy levels between the cells, which is essential to the healing process. Regardless of whether you have chronic pain or acute pain from from any number of conditions, you may enjoy immediate relief as muscles relax and blood flow to the affected area increases. This is a successful nerve tissue repair treatment that is non-invasive and that can be completed without anesthesia. You will be able to return to your daily activities immediately. It may also be used immediately after surgery to reduce the possibility of harmful blood clot formation.

Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona

The Stimulation Treatment is an FDA Cleared & Medicare/Insurance Accepted Treatment for:

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Top 5 Benefits of Peripheral Neuropathy Therapy
Using The Stimulation Treatment












More Energy!


Peripheral neuropathy takes over every aspect of your life. It’s hard to walk, enjoy time with friends, and even sleep. The pain or discomfort disrupts your normal energy flow, and the attention you pay to pain can be exhausting.

If you have peripheral neuropathy, your nerve cells in your hands and feet have begun to malfunction. Your brain interprets these “misfires” as pain. Nerves in other parts of your body may also malfunction, leading to seemingly unrelated conditions like indigestion.

Each of these is related to those malfunctioning nerves impacting motor functions.












Improved Mobility


Peripheral neuropathy can make it hard to walk. You may feel like there are needles stabbing the tops or bottoms of your feet with each step. Many with this condition need to use a walker or other assistive devices to get around.

After receiving this treatment, many patients no longer need their walkers. They can increasingly get around without them.

Together with this form of electrotherapy, patients often get the best results. 

Studies show improved relaxation, circulation, and reduced inflammation. Each of these contributes to enhanced mobility and motor function.












Pain Relief


Most notable results that most people experience is the pain relief. If you have this disease and aren’t yet experiencing mobility issues, that’s good. 


You’ll want to catch this earlier to have the best outcome.

The Stimulation Treatment can deliver targeted pain relief to your limbs to create a healthier you.  The benefits can be life changing for some!













Ability to Exercise


The number of cases in the US is unknown, but a scientific survey of 24,000 people found that around 10% of the population may have this disease. 


It varies widely based on race, age, and sex. If those numbers hold true for the general population, there are a lot of people who potentially can’t exercise because of the pain.


The Stimulation Treatment can help you start moving again. Conditions like neuropathy create a vicious cycle. You can’t exercise so the condition gets worse. As the condition gets worse, it’s harder to exercise.

With the pain reduced, you can start moving again. You may need to start small, but every little bit helps you improve. 

As patients resume a regular exercise routine, most will have less inflammation and even less pain. 

That’s one of the reasons that Aspen Medical is so committed to comprehensive solutions. The Treatment is only part of the bigger picture in which you feel better.














Better Quality of Life


Most notable results that most people experience is the pain relief. If you have this disease and aren’t yet experiencing mobility issues, that’s good. 


You’ll want to catch this earlier to have the best outcome.

The Stimulation Treatment can deliver targeted pain relief to your limbs to create a healthier you.  The benefits can be life changing for some!

Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona
Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona
Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona
Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona
Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona



Call our office at to schedule your FREE consultation to see if The Stimulation Treatment is right for you!

Aspen Medical- Neuropathy specialist, foot pain, knee pain, nerve pain, pain clinic -Mesa, Arizona 

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